Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Missing You & You

Well today is suppose to be wordless Wednesday but I have some words that need to be said....

While I am stuck in the hospital trying to get myself patched up,


Daddy's working and Lil' Man is at GiGi's!

Maybe soon our little precious family will be reunited!  Please send prayers up for us I will be having surgery either tomorrow or Friday.   


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Snack Party

Earlier this week M~ and I went to get J~ some snacks to take with him to work.  When we got home I brought them in the house and put them on the kitchen floor.  I was busy getting laundry together and when I came in the kitchen this is what I found...

M~ was having a ball playing in the snacks!
These are my favorite!
Do you want to join my snack party?
He looked like he was having so much fun!  He would take each thing out of the bag and shake it then try to put it in his mouth...He was having him a snack party!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Boogie Shoes

Ok so first you have to imagine "Boogie Shoes" is playing in the background!  ( I could not figure out how to add a music clip to go with this post.)

For the past few weeks my mom has been on me about M~ needed some shoes to help him walk.  So Tuesday we took a trip to the Stride Rite Outlet.  We lucked up and was able to get 2 pairs for the price of one so we got a size 3 & 4 of the same shoe.  My mom is convienced M~ will be walking in no time with these shoes.

Now that M~ has his new "Walking Shoes" man does he go!  Still not walking on his own but they are helping him along. He is not walking on his tippy toes as much and they help him keep his balance more.  So here is M~ in his new "Boogie Shoes!" 

M~ & Lenny the Lion 
WOW!  What a big step!
Stylin' and profilin' at the Grocery Store
We took Lenny to church Wednesday to show off  M's moves!
Go M~ go!  Mommy is so proud of you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010